2. Exhibitions
  3. The Lotus Sutra Exhibition at ISTAC-IIUM in Malaysia

The Lotus Sutra Exhibition at ISTAC-IIUM in Malaysia


On September 8, 2024, the exhibition “Lotus Sutra―A Message of Peace and Harmonious Coexistence” was launched at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC-IIUM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This is the second time this exhibition is being held in Malaysia since 2014.


The exhibition was organized by the Institute of Oriental Philosophy (IOP), Dunhuang Academy China, and Persatuan Soka Gakkai Mayalsia (SGM), with full support of the International Academy of Indian Culture, the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of National Unity (Malaysia, KPN), ISTAC, and the Universiti Malaya Centre for Civilisational Dialogue.


The exhibits include some replicated manuscripts of the Lotus Sutra such as the “Petrovsky Sanskrit manuscript” and the “Gilgit manuscript.” Panels introducing the history of Buddhist dissemination, the murals of the Dunhuang Mugao Cave, and the history of inter-civilizational and inter-religious dialogues by IOP founder Daisaku Ikeda are on display.


The Lotus Sutra Exhibition is being held as a part of the commemorative event “Shared Values on Peace and Harmonious Coexistence” organized by ISTAC, SGM, and IOP, and supported by KPN. The “Islam on Peace and Harmonious Coexistence” exhibition is also being held at the same venue.


Period: September 8-27, 2024 (Open every day during the exhibition period & free admission)
