Yumi Ninomiya

Present Position

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Philosophy

Part-time Lecturer, Soka University

Field of Research

Bulgarian Culture and Language

Academic Societies

The Japanese Association of Russian Scholars


Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski,” Ph.D. in Philosophy (1993)

Main Publications


  • Опит за диалог между цивилизации – хармония между Бог и Човек при Исихасткото учение. (Experience of dialogue between civilizations – harmony of God and human at Hesychasm) сб. Манастирската култура на Балканите. 2004.


  • “The Image of the Mother in the Poetry of Daisaku Ikeda,” The Journal of Oriental Studies 18 (2008): 142-148.


  • “St. Gregory Palamas’ Thoughts and its Development – St. Evtimiy Turnovski in Bulgarian," Global Civilization and Religion (Tokyo: The Institute of Oriental Philosophy, March 2013), 246-228