Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy No. 39
2024. 2. 4

The Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy No. 39 summarizes the research activities and projects of the IOP in the year 2023. It collects research articles presenting the results of research and projects carried out throughout the year by groups consisting of IOP research fellows, organized according to specific areas of study.
The latest issue contains research articles and research notes by our institute’s research fellows, overseas research fellows, commissioned research fellows, and visiting research fellows. It also includes a report of the latest research activities of the IOP (from January to December 2023).
The main articles of the past issues of the Bulletin of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy are available in our database.
A Study on Tsunesaburo Makiguchi’s Writings in Meiji Era Textbooks......Yusaku Iwaki
Gender Perspectives in the SGI Peace Proposals: A Historical Review of Women and the International Community......Fumiko Tsutaki
An Attempt to Clarify the Recycling System of “Poshlust” (Philistines) in the Works of Vladimir Nabokov......Mitsunori Sagae
The Journey to Self Denial Diversity of Male Characters in the Plays of Eugene O’Neill (I)......Kumi Ohno
Is Man Evil by Nature? An Analysis of Human Destructiveness......Barbara Drinck
Research Note
A Study of Daisaku Ikeda’s Discourse on Jews and Jewish Culture......Eiichi Tsutaki
Comparative Study on ‘Joy’ as an Affective Experience......Nobuo Yamagishi
On the Structure of Saddhā in the Pāli Canon......Yohei Furukawa
The Inter-Civilization Dialogue with the Islamic World by the Foreign Ministry of Japan......Kiyoshi Asako
History and Development Process of Public Health in China......Bunsho Lee